Theme of the Month - 2015

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Theme of the Month - 2015

Published by on January 14th 2015.

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New Prizes in 2015!

Happy New Year!

Here are some of the new prizes in 2015: Stonemason's Tools, Wrapping Paper Roll, Spray Paint Dispenser, Buttons and Potted Button Poms that grow buttons just to name a few! We will award additional prizes in December/January so enter often!

Because of the delay in my posting this article all January Theme of the Month entries will be due February 28, 2015.





  • In order to participate you must be a registered member of RW Graphics.

Whether you are a true newbie noob or an ancient pro wizard participation is key.
All are welcome! You cannot win a prize if you do not enter!

We are adding color themes in 2015! Check each month for your favorite color!
You only need to create one set from either theme.
In January you can use either the theme baby or the theme white.

  • You do NOT need to make both themes.

The 2015 TOTM contest is closed.


Check out the new TOTM contest for 2016!

Hope to see you there!

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icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for January are Baby and white! icon-10152 icon-11068
Babies, toys, diapers, etc.. realistic or cartooned!
Deadline for submissions in this theme is midnight February 28, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for February will be Love and red! icon-10247 icon-12023
Candy, hearts, cards, flowers, etc.. realistic or cartooned!
Deadline for submission in this theme is midnight February 28, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for March are Spring and green! icon-10509 icon-11170
New growth, baby animals, plants, flowers, etc.. realistic or cartooned!
This theme ends at midnight March 31, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for April are Easter and yellow! icon-12287 icon-11167
New growth, baby animals, plants, flowers, etc.. realistic or cartooned!
This theme ends at midnight April 30, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for May are Fire and orange! icon-11998 icon-10569
Any type of fire or smoke!
This theme ends at midnight May 31, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for June are Dance and blue! icon-11184 icon-9955
Dance elements or swaying motion, etc.. realistic or cartooned!
This theme ends at midnight June 30, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for July are Round and black! icon-12435 icon-12450
Round elements, etc.. realistic or cartooned!
This theme ends at midnight July 31, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for August are Stripe and pink! icon-10808 icon-11046
Striped elements, etc.. realistic or cartooned!
This theme ends at midnight August 31, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for September are Super Hero and purple! icon-7232 icon-12439
Super hero, any or all, etc.. realistic or cartooned!
This theme ends at midnight September 30, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for October are Space and Teal ! icon-11818 icon-8859
Space ships, planets, asteroids, comets, galaxies, space suits, etc... realistic or not!
This theme ends at midnight October 31, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for November are Fire and orange! icon-11998 icon-10569
Any type of fire, explosions or smoke!
This theme ends at midnight November 30, 2015.

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image The themes for December are Christmas and brown! icon-6492 icon-6520
Anything to do with Christmas or winter!
This theme ends at midnight December 31, 2015.


If you have any questions you may contact me directly 24/7.

Prizes vary and are awarded by Sirea and cdl during the following month.

Please send me a link to your uploaded entry by the appropriate deadline.

The 2015 TOTM contest is closed.


Check out the new TOTM contest for 2016!

Hope to see you there!

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click me! icon-10161 click me!

(All times are Central Standard Time.)

Recent comments

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user icon cdl contributing user on October 25th 2015

I hope everyone has their entry ready by the deadline, October is almost over!

user icon cdl contributing user on October 30th 2015

Happy Halloween!

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user icon Anonymous on November 2nd 2015

i dunno if i should join this

user icon cdl contributing user on November 5th 2015

We have no participants in the TOTM contest for October.
No participants = no winners.
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user icon cdl contributing user on November 7th 2015

Themes for November are Fire and Orange!
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user icon cdl contributing user on December 1st 2015

Two entrants in November:

Congratulations Winners! Good work!

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user icon cdl contributing user on December 22nd 2015

Merry Christmas!

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user icon cdl contributing user on December 28th 2015

Happy New Year!

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user icon cdl contributing user on January 11th 2016

Check out the new TOTM contest for 2016!

Hope to see you there!

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user icon Phantom registered user on March 2nd 2021


user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...