RealWorld software in 2016

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RealWorld software in 2016

Published by on January 17th 2016.

The world is moving forward faster and faster and we all want new things to play with. So, let's make the latest builds of RealWorld software available to everyone. This preview versions will be available in addition to the current "stable" versions.

Right now, you can grab the latest builds of RealWorld Paint from and RealWorld Icon Editor from Other applications may come later.

These preview builds are fully functional, but they will stop working after a couple of months. At that time, newer builds will be available. This will prevent people from using an outdated version and possibly encountering errors that have already been fixed.

Please treat the latest builds as a work in progress. While they are usable, there may be unfinished parts and features may appear or disappear as time goes on. I'll be discussing what's new in future blog posts.

Recent comments

user icon kunkel321 registered user on January 17th 2016

Right on. <thumbs up>

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...