Changing web hosting

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Changing web hosting

Published by Vlasta on April 27th 2011.

Just a quick note. RW-designer has moved to a different web server today. It was a chaotic day and I hope nothing important was lost on the way (ok, the icon and cursor download counters may be a bit off).

If you find any problem with the site (like something that was working and does not work anymore), please let me know!

Recent comments

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on April 28th 2011

Let's hear the detailed version!

user icon Vlasta site administrator on April 28th 2011

I am still in middle of it. Emailing seems to be partially broken. And who knows what else ;-)

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on April 29th 2011

More space on it? Or is the only new thing the server that it's on. This is kinda cool!

Was there any time that the site was unavailable?

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on April 29th 2011

Ah. The "Latest News" on the home page doesn't seem to be working. At least not for me right now anyways.

user icon Vlasta site administrator on April 29th 2011

Yes, more space and a VPS instead of normal shared hosting. The biggest problem was a limit on the database size on the old host.

Though, this new server is giving me headaches. It is centos linux and it has really outdated php - I spend the whole day and failed to update it. The old version has a nasty bug in image blending and some set previews are darker than they should be.

And mail sending is still problematic due to missing PTR dns record... Some mail servers are refusing to accept emails. But I guess the old host had the same problem.


user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
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