Testers wanted for RealWorld Paint

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Testers wanted for RealWorld Paint

Published by on September 5th 2011.

RealWorld Paint release date is getting near and I am getting more and more nervous. I had to redesign a lot of components and maybe I broke some of them. What now? Beta-testers come save the day!

New feature summary

The last version was released more than 2 years ago and the upcoming RW Paint will contain new features developed for other RealWorld apps as well as some brand new ones I have mentioned in previous blog posts. There will be:

rsrc/paint-small-splash.png image

Test or wait?

While the beta version is publicly available, you should only get it if you intend to test it and provide feedback.

Otherwise, please wait a few more weeks until the final version arrives.

Download: http://download.rw-designer.com/2011.1/beta/RWPaint.zip (portable edition)

How to send feedback?

If you decide to participate in the beta-test, please contact me on my email (info@rw-designer), leave a comment on this page or start a topic in the forum.

I'd love to hear about any error you encounter, but I am also interested in positive feedback. If you tested one part of the application extensively and did not encounter any errors - that is valuable information too! Other testers can then focus on different parts.

Recent comments

user icon absterninja registered user on September 5th 2011

I'll try it out!!1 icon-image/5334-16x16x32.png image

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on September 6th 2011

TESTING :herpaderp:

user icon Ricon registered user on September 18th 2011

Can I try them?

user icon Ricon registered user on September 25th 2011

Looks pretty professional.

user icon Anonymous on September 25th 2011

Support for psd ,xcf and webp, the kaleidoscope layer style and some others curious feature, as the integration of command line convincerd me not only to DL the beta but also to spread a bit the new
see http://www.gimpchat.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2669&start=0

user icon Anonymous on September 26th 2011

very good experience !
please add to the Window Caption Options "Show the image size"

user icon Vlasta site administrator on September 27th 2011

Heh, you are actually the second one to request this feature, I'll add it to the final version.

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...