Psd support in the new Paint Beta works wonders

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Psd support in the new Paint Beta works wonders

Published by on September 6th 2011.

Made this in photoshop and did some more editing with it in the new Paint Beta and here's a joint effort of Paint and Photoshop.

rsrc/aperturezune.jpg image
Portal 2 themed ZuneHD by Microsoft.

Recent comments

user icon Vlasta site administrator on September 6th 2011

Looks great! Have you transferred layers and styles?

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on September 8th 2011

Yes all the styles were little icons on the layers.

I can give you the .psd if you want.

Also, I have one of these bad boys, and the screen actually gets that bright.

user icon Vlasta site administrator on September 8th 2011

That really is very bright, that can be handy on sunny days.

If you encounter any problem with .psd files, I'd like to have a look at them.

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?