RealWorld group on DeviantArt

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RealWorld group on DeviantArt

Published by Vlasta on October 27th 2011.

Thanks to thedeadwarrior (aka chains here), we now have a dedicated DeviantArt group, where you can publish your art created with any of the RW tools.

So, hooray! There is a new way to get in touch with other users of RW tools, admire their creations and possibly learn a thing or two from them.

If you already have a DeviantArt account, have a look at the new RealWorldArtist group, become a watcher or, preferable, a contributor. While you are there, have a look at the stylish pictures made by thedeadwarrior using RWPaint and GIMP.

Why not make a picture gallery on rw-designer?

People occasionally ask me, whether there will ever be a general-purpose image gallery running alongside the current icon and cursor libraries. Well, not in the near future.

While it is within my powers to host and develop a competitive specialized icon an cursor libraries, there already are great picture galleries elsewhere. Trying to duplicate and possibly improve their functionality would consume too many resources that I would rather invest into making better software.

Recent comments

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on October 30th 2011

So the Flickr group is obsolete?

user icon Vlasta site administrator on October 30th 2011

No, they will exist in parallel. Some people like Flickr, other people like DeviantArt.

The gallery page and the Online page within the apps have links to both Flickr and DeviantArt.

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