Help us define the next RealWorld Cursor Editor

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Help us define the next RealWorld Cursor Editor

Published by Vlasta on October 15th 2008.

With RealWorld Photos getting near completion, the development focus will move to RealWorld Cursor Editor in a month or two. But…what shall be added (or removed) from that application?

You tell me!

OK then, I’ll start and tell you what I think is possible and feasible. If you have different ideas, be sure to leave a comment.

Developer’s perspective

Possible new funcionality in upcoming version of RWCE

The mock-up screenshot above demonstrates a couple of things that could be added to the next version.

  • Image masks - arbitrary (non-rectangular) selections + the appropriate tools - rectangular/elliptic/flood-fill selection tools.
  • Color swatch - window with favorite or standard colors.
  • Layer support in image editor - allow images to consist of multiple layers. Cursors are then created from these “normal” pictures. The pictures are typically much larger than the actual cursors and are downscaled during conversion.
  • Layers in cursor editor - the same, but in the cursor editor.
  • Unification of animated and static cursor editors - delete the static cursor editor and open static cursors as animated ones; automatically or manually choose file format when saving.
  • Support creation of themes for the CursorFX (formerly CursorXP) tool.
  • Some enhancement to the currently available 3D tools (scroll down)?
  • Integration of the tagged media library.
  • Library of cursor parts for people to combine into a complete cursor (similar to what Axialis distributes with their software). Help of a zealous graphic designer or two would be required (to make the parts).
  • The usual stuff - new drawing tools or image filters.
  • Allow running image filters compatible with Adobe Photoshop.

IMPORTANT: the above list is by no means plan of features for the next version. It is merely a list of possibilities. And you can help deciding which ones to choose.

User’s perspective

Your chance to influence the next version of RWCE is here. Post your comment right now, every opinion counts

If you have troubles formulating your opinion, these questions might help you get on the right track:

  • What are your favorite functions in the application?
  • What are the most important missing functions?
  • What functions are hard to use and should be simplified?
  • Is there anything you want removed?
  • Do you use the application in conjunction with other graphic tools?

Recent comments

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user icon sixλxis forum moderator on January 9th 2009

also when is the presumed launch date of a Beta and if possible the completed version?

user icon Vlasta site administrator on January 9th 2009

I’ll think about it. It seems relatively simple to change in the current version, but I’ll try to add the setting to the window for creating new cursors.

Beta will be available probably in February or March. For the final version, it is hard to say. Most likely 1-2 months after the beta.

user icon Anonymous on January 16th 2009

Like most people, I am a fan of fun cursors and enjoy making my own. I Also agree with HellFireX. You should add a feature to when you click, it changes something on the cursor. Like on Runescape, Depending on where you click, it makes an X appear at the Curosr Hotspot.Also, The color Feature we have already is enough. We get thousands of colors and shades. You ought to add a part that makes transparent inverts. Colors are inverted through a transparent Shape. It would make cursors fun. Also, Make the cursor area a little bigger? Then we Will see the upcoming…. REAL WORLD CURSOR EDITOR 2!

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on January 18th 2009

Is there a way to be able to see the inverted pixels in 32×32 editing mode and will it be in the beta?

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on January 18th 2009

an you make the backround picture (Th checkerboard) have bigger pixels? now it has 4 squares cover one pixel.


|_|_|_|_|_|_| = One pixel

i would like it to be

|_|_|_|_|_|_| = One pixel
user icon sixλxis forum moderator on January 18th 2009

make this a choice

user icon Vlasta site administrator on January 21st 2009

I am not sure about the inverted pixels, that feature was available in version 2006.1, but it was dropped when the raster editor was redesigned. Considering it cannot be used with the smooth (32-bit) cursors and it could cause additional problems if layers are enabled, I cannot say if it is going to be there or not.

Regarding the smaller pixel grid: Why would you want such a thing? It has 4 squares per pixels (when zoomed in) to make it obvious which pixels are semitransparent. If there were just one square per pixel, the difference between a gray pixel and a semitransparent black pixel will not be visible. Couldn’t the “Small grid” option help you? Is there some reason I am unaware of?

user icon Anonymous on January 31st 2009

I want to be able to copy&paste parts of the cursor with the select tool

user icon Anonymous on February 3rd 2009

Add inverted cursor effect! And make it only able to be used on pixels with full transparency? I would love to be able to use this future!

I will never make a cursor with transparency kinda. :3

user icon Vlasta site administrator on February 12th 2009

Thanks for all responses. Next version of RealWorld Cursor Editor is currently being worked on, the feature set is more or less closed, hence further comments to this article are not needed. You may still express your opinion on how to handle multiple open documents in future versions here

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
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