free twemojis

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free twemojis

Published by on February 11th 2023.

Here are some emojis you can use! To insert one, type [[cursor:<number>]]
Angel: 124112 Angry: 124113 Laughing Crying: 124114 Money Bag: 124115
Crying: 124116 Cool: 124117 Devil: 124118 Smiling: 124119
R.O.F.L.: 124120 Smiling Sun: 124121 Tongue out: 124122 Love Face: 124123
Star-struck: 124124 Thumbs-up: 124083 Thumbs-down: 124272 Hug: 124273
Wink: 124274 Thinking: 124275 Yawn: 124276 Giggling: 124277
Barfing: 124278 Zipper-mouth: 124279 Sad: 124280 Face-palm: 124281
Clapping: 124282

Example: cursor-124112cursor-124113cursor-124114cursor-124115cursor-124116cursor-124117cursor-124118cursor-124119cursor-124120cursor-124121cursor-124122cursor-124123cursor-124124cursor-124083cursor-124272cursor-124273cursor-124274cursor-124275cursor-124276cursor-124277cursor-124278cursor-124279cursor-124280cursor-124281cursor-124282

Recent comments

user icon ツ☪ spunch_bop♡♥ registered user on February 11th 2023

cursor-124083 heres the thumbz up!!1

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
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