Happy First Anniversary, Sketch Cursors!

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Happy First Anniversary, Sketch Cursors!

Published by on March 22nd 2023.

One year ago today, The original sketch cursors set was released. That moment brought the arrival of a new RW Designer creator. Here's a timeline of the sets...

cursor-teaser/sketchcursors.png imageSketch Cursors - The first and original sketch cursors set. These were just plain, lazy looking cursors. I was still learning about cursor creation that time, so it wasn't really the best. These weren't filled in, but released with fill ins later on.
cursor-teaser/sticklycursors.png imageStickly Cursors - A month later after the release of the Sketch Cursors came the Stickly Cursors. These were just plain, pixely cursors. During the time of creation, I was using cursor size 2, as I thought size 1 was too small, so that's why they look small.
icon-teaser/imageres-icons.png imageimageres.dll (Windows 7) Icons - This is a collection of 6 icon sets containing icons extracted from the "imageres.dll" file in Win7. It was originally released as a full set containing all icons, but was split due to issues.
cursor-teaser/possibly-the-tiniest.png imagePossibly the Tiniest Cursors - A set containing...well,,, tiny cursors. These were inspired by another user's cursor set.
cursor-teaser/sketchremastered.png imageRemastered Sketch Cursors - The first remaster of the Sketch Cursors. These filled in the cursors, along with redos of some of the cursors.
cursor-teaser/ovaleycursors.png imageOvaley Cursors - It wasn't until months later until I created another set. This set ended up being my least rated cursor set at 3.8/5 stars, due to bad texturing and such. I asked a lot of questions about cursor design after. I also made a remaster later on.
cursor-teaser/squarecursors.png imageSquare Cursors - A simple set of cursors I made after reading the feedback for the Ovaley Cursors. I made this to experiment with transparency and such.
cursor-teaser/tiniestcursorsintheworld.png imageACTUALLY the Tiniest Cursors - The name explains itself. They're just really tiny cursors on a 100 x 100 canvas.
cursor-teaser/tiniestcursorsever-forreal.png imageFor real this time, these ARE the tiniest Cursors - So uh me and this other user had a little rivalry on who made the tiniest cursors, so I took a 200 x 200 canvas and made these lol. Also, these aren't invisible, change your cursor size for god sake.
cursor-teaser/ovaleyremastered.png imageRemastered Ovaley Cursors - A remake of the original ovaley cursors. Thankfully it has a higher rating than the original...
cursor-teaser/wingamepademoji.png imageWindows Gamepad Emoji Cursors - My first set released in 2023. This set was for the January 2023 Theme of The Month, and it ended up being both my most downloaded set AND the 2nd place winner. Thank you everyone!
cursor-teaser/anonymous.png imageAnonymous Cursors - Had the idea to make a set like this one day lol. Just giving those mature anonymous users some credit I guess.
cursor-teaser/winjoystickemoji.png imageWindows Joystick Emoji Cursors - A "thank you" set to celebrate 1k downloads on the Windows Gamepad Emoji cursors. Again, thank you!
cursor-teaser/loveletter.png imageLove Letter Cursors - This set, created just in time for Valentine's Day, was for some reason the only entry in the February 2023 ToTM. It didn't win and nothing was given out because of the lack of entries.
icon-teaser/ie11.png imageInternet Explorer 11 Icons - A collection of icons extracted from IE11 files, posted to honor it's legacy.

The 1st Anniversary Sets - Released to celebrate my first anniversary on the site, as well as the original Sketch Cursors.

Happy birthday, Sketch Cursors!!!

cursor-teaser/sketch2-remastered.png image
cursor-teaser/sketchcursors-1strainbow.png image

Recent comments

user icon Animelove_1105 registered user on March 22nd 2023

This was just a test comment dont mind it

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...