I would love to test it
it looks great
Published by Vlasta on July 24th 2009.
Beta, final, beta, final, beta. It is getting boring. Now is beta time.
Version 2009.1 will be the third version of the RealWorld Cursor Editor and there are some previously unseen features. Here are the major ones:
If you want to help find some bugs and recommend changes to the user interface before the final version is released, leave a comment here or write me an email on info@rw-designer.com with beta-test in subject.
I would love to test it
it looks great
I’d love to test it. I’m already testing Visual Studio 2010 for Microsoft. =D
I’d like to test it for you. I have free time, alot of it.
I’d love to test it. RealWorld is awesome!
I could not reach you on the given email address - I am getting automated replays that it does not exist.
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.