Last minute changes, as always

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Last minute changes, as always

Published by on June 22nd 2010.

It becomes a habit. During the testing, smaller or larger things pop up and I just have to make them implement them. This time, there are 3 of these last minute additions.

Rotated text

Starting with the following version creation of rotated text becomes easier. The Text tool configuration panel contains a new field, where users can type the rotation angle in degrees. Also, the rotation angle can also be set by dragging a handle in the raster editor.

While it is a bad practice to put text into icons, the icon editor is perfectly capable of creating ordinary images and a good Text tool has its value.

3D object rotation

Rotating components in 3D should be somehow easier in the new version. When a control point with the rotation arrows is selected, two buttons in a toolbar will be enabled and they can be used to rotate it by 15 degrees per click (the actual value is configurable).

While I realize that adding yet another imperfect method for rotating objects is not an ideal solution, I simply cannot find a perfect one. This one is handy.

Tagged library panel

This is a slightly larger change, but is has been partially implemented for months and I decided to do the last few steps.

While working with images or 3D models, a panel allowing access to the tagged library can be opened. Double-clicking a file in the library or dragging and dropping a file adds the file to the current document.

Assembling icons from using the tagged library panel

Note the middle part of the window showing the file in the library. The actual images (left) was created by double-clicking selected parts in the library.

To make the whole thing smoother, files can be added to the Tagged library from the Online page.


The final build of RealWorld Icon Editor 2010.1 is close. Stay tuned.

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user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
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