RealWorld Designer - list of extensions and resources

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Plug-Ins, Extensions, Resources, ...

RealWorld Icon Editor features an open architecture and is easily extensible. This page contains latest released extensions and resources related to the application.

3D model thumbnail extractor

This extension is able to extract thumbnails from 3D models used in RealWorld Icon Editor and allows Windows Explorer to use them in Thumbnail view mode.

Image Pack: Vista by Kudesnick

This archive of image parts allows you to create icons by combining background, symbols, and effects.

Using Photoshop®-compatible image filters

Learn how to use external image filters with RealWorld Icon Editor and find image filters in the list of compatible plug-ins.

If you are an author of an extension or a package with images, icons, or 3D models and want to share your work with others, please contact us and your work will be published on this page.

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