Another Request - Have resizer auto rotate via exif info - RealWorld forums

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Another Request - Have resizer auto rotate via exif info

on April 15th 2008

The problem is that portrait orientation images are showing up sideways in my webpage. Can you add simple rotate functionality to the commandline process for photoresize based on the exif info? Meaning, if the camera tagged the photo as vertical, that your routine will just go ahead and rotate the image. I work with 3000+ files at a time so anything done by hand won't work, lol.

Thanks so much for a great program! :-)

on April 15th 2008

There is always one another feature that can be added. This one is a bit trickier, but it may one day be added. For now, try for example this tool:
It seems to have all that is needed for rotation.

We also have our own tool that would be capable of doing what you need (called RealWorld Photos), but it is still in beta stage and you would need to configure it properly to do what you need. It is also more generic and thus slower, but if you need more than just rotation and resizing (like automatic contrast adjustments, watermarking), it is worth a try.

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