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3-d animation
on April 20th 2008

I am just learning how to use realworld cursor and I am trying to make an animated cursor. I have kinda figured out how to animate ; such as adding new frames but I want it to do 3-D animation. I have no clue where to start. If someone could tell me in detail on how to do it I would be forever grateful. Right now I am trying to make a circle that rotates around and around. I would like to make a orb that goes around and around.

on April 20th 2008

The 3D functions are not available by default because they are not free. You'll need to uninstall the application and then install it again and enable them while installing. You can try them for 30 days for free.

Then, there will be new tutorials that can help you get started with 3D modeling and there is also this video tutorial, which shows how the process works.

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