DPI Revisited - RealWorld forums

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DPI Revisited

Feature failure or user error?
on August 11th 2008

Should I be able to resize an image and reduce the DPI in one pass?

I'm unable to get the expected results when trying to resize images targeted as 400 pixels wide and 72 dpi. I've selected this filename for the executable: PhotoResizeW400D72NOST.

The expected resulting file would be 400px wide at 72dpi. However when down sampling an original image that is 300 dpi, the DPI in the resulting file shows 99.

Am I missing something?


on August 11th 2008

This is not currently possible. The tool changes pixels, but tries to maintain physical size.

You'll need two passes, one with PhotoResizeD72T.exe, which will be very fast and lossless.

on September 17th 2008

More info in my article:
Misunderstandings about Dpi - http://www.dpiphoto.eu/dpi.htm

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