New idea: an addition to the -u flag - RealWorld forums

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New idea: an addition to the -u flag

on February 11th 2009

I got this idea from somebody else who uses this nice program, but I thought I'll post it here in the hope it would be an addition in a next update...

I now use the -u flag to speed up converting if the file already exists.

But what about removed/renamed... files?

Maybe it's possible to add a flag that scans the entire destination folder against files that aren't available anymore in the source folder. These files can be deleted in this case. This scanning can be done after the complete converting has be executed, or folder by folder for recursive operations.
Also foldernames should be checked.

Deleting is a dangerous operation some people don't like to be executed automatically. It also might be possible as a second option to just rename the removed files to .bak . The user then can search for .bak files/folders and remove them manually.

Thanks, and congratulations with your nice software!

on February 12th 2009

Thanks for the suggestion, I will keep it in mind, but I cannot promise you that it will be implemented. It could be dangerous and a bit out of a scope of the tool. But I am not ruling it out...

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