Hi Vlasta
as when I "capture the desktop" I'm not able to have the ObjectDock image do I'm missing something ?
or if at the moment it's not possible to capture the layered\translucent windows may I ask to add this feature
in the upcoming RW PaintCom version ?!
thanks in advance !!
The entire desktop should be captured. I have not tested it with ObjectDock, but I guess you can use the classic Windows way of capturing desktop in this case: press the PrintScreen key (it is usually above Insert) to copy desktop to clipboard and then use the "Image from Clipboard" wizard in Paint.COM.
I'll see if something can be done about it in next version.
Update: I have just checked it and it seems to work OK on my system... Could you investigate the issue on your computer a bit more and eventually let me know if you find under which circumstances it does or does not work?
yeh I can make the entire desktop screenshot but the ObjectDock image doesn't appear
+ no way with the PrintScreen as the "capture layered\translucent windows" is a special feature that also you can't find in most applications of this kind (i.e. SnagIt have it)
I hope you can manage it for the next version !
thanks again !
Hm, are you on XP? There seems to be no problems on Vista...
... you are right: XP sp 2 !
OK, I'll see if it will be possible to improve it.
That's great !
all the best !!
WoW Vlasta
I just tried again to capture the desktop with your great Paint.Com this time it was all OK the ObjectDock translucent\layered image appears on the screenshot !
probably yesterday there was a conflict with some other applications
sorry for the troubles !!
AW don't forget about the cropping feature
thanks again !!
That's good to know, thanks. BTW, would you like to beta-test the next version?
yes for sure I like to be a be a Paint.Com beta tester !!
Hi Vlasta
the issue is resolved as it was only present trying to make the screenshot with the PaintCom window on the bottom
(I used to leave visible only the right part for clicking "create" )
when I make the screenshot with the PaintCom window on top of the other windows there are no problems !!
thanks again for the beta !
BTW the cropping feature it's a real pleasure !
Thanks for letting me know. This actually makes sense also from the technical point of view.