Realworld - does not save EXIF metadata - RealWorld forums

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Realworld - does not save EXIF metadata

There is a quick fix link in one of Vlastas Posts...
on May 12th 2009

First i'd like to thank you for Realworld, it's a terrific application.

I tried to open some jpg files that have EXIF info in them.
I then made some changes to the jpg files and tried to save them, but the resulting jpg files no longer contain the original EXIF info, such as the Camera Model.

I did select "Save unchanged" for the "medata" option.

on May 12th 2009

Thanks for reporting it. It is a bug and it has been fixed few days ago, but the installer is not yet updated. Please download a quick fix here.

on May 12th 2009

Hi Vlasta,

thanks for fast reply, i've just download the dll file, but it did not work. I compared the old dll file with the new one and they seem to be the same, both version and of the same size.

Are you sure you uploaded the correct fix?

on May 12th 2009

Are you sure it does not work with the updated file? Same version and size is OK, it was a very small change.

Could you please re-check it and verify that the saving parameters are set correctly (save unchanged metadata) (the updating is not supported, because an EXIF parser is not installed with Paint.

on May 12th 2009

I checked it again, in the save as dialog i explicitely selected "Metadata" and then selected "Save unchanged", then changed the name of the jpg file and clicked on OK.
Still the EXIF data was no longer present in the resulting jpg file.

If you want to, i can send you the jpg file.

on May 12th 2009

OK, I'd like to check that file (vlastimil.miler at, maybe there is yet another bug. I have also updated the installers, so downloading the package may help.

on May 12th 2009

i've now downloaded the latest installer, de-installed Realworld and then installed it again using the latest installer and now it works!

Thanks so much for your support.

on June 1st 2009

i've the same problem with the last version... Can somebidy help me?

on June 1st 2009

^ as above...

on October 4th 2009

Hi, I have the same issue with RealWorld Photos. When I save the file, the IPTC data is no longer there.

on October 4th 2009

I cannot replicate the problem with RWPhotos, but downloading and using the fix for RWPaint from the link above could help you.

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