lock mouse and keyboard using win 32 and c++ - RealWorld forums

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lock mouse and keyboard using win 32 and c++

on May 28th 2009

hello sir/madam,
we are developing project on screen capturing and lock mouse and keyboard of client computer in JAVA. we are able to capture multiple client's screens. but in java , we didn't find any code to lock mouse and keyboard. so, i think it is possible to develop that code in C++. so can u give me some code example to lock mouse and keyboard so that i can call that functions of c++ in JAVA through JNI.pleas reply me.please sir/MADAM.................

on August 28th 2009

yes, it is possible
You just go through http://www.sharewareconnection.com/titles/lock-keyboard.htm
there is jar file then abstract jar file and convert into java application

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