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Upload trouble
on September 22nd 2009

When I upload a BMP file, the picture comes up but is colored blue. How do I fix this so the pictures/files come up in their correct colors?

Im using the realworldpaint and then going to open, selecting a picture from my computer. When I upload jpeg pictures they upload in their correct color, but the bmp comes up with transparent blue covering the picture.


on September 27th 2009

Do you mean you upload them to a web site? Or are you talking about opening the files in Paint?

Is it happening with all .bmp pictures or with just one? Could you send the problematic one to ?

on September 27th 2009

Hi Viasta, my appologies I mean opening the .bmp files in the Paint. This problem is with all the .bmp files I open in Paint. They have a shade of transparent blue covering the image. I still have not found out why this is happening and a way to fix it.

Your help would be great, Thank You

on September 27th 2009

I have no idea why .bmp should have a blue tint except maybe one. In earlier versions, selections were done via a semitransparent color and that was blue in standard windows color scheme. Are you using the latest version?

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