rename files in a batch operation - RealWorld forums

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rename files in a batch operation

on October 1st 2009

Dear All,

I just wanted to share this nice (part of a) batch operation that can be used to rename the pictures when saving them in a batch operation.
Thanks to Vlasta for his very kind help.

Use the JavaScript operation instead of Batch - Save Result.
Then the following code must be used:


Configuration.AddEditBox("name", "Name", "Base of file name.",
Configuration.GetValueOrDefault("name", "_name_"));


var save = Operation.Create("Batch - Save Result");
save.OutputPath = "%FOLDER%\\modified\\" Configuration.GetValue("name") "-%INDEX%.%EXT%";
Operation.Execute(save, Document, Context);


on February 19th 2010

Might be useful... ;-)

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