How the command line works - RealWorld forums

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How the command line works

on October 27th 2009

Hi there,

Is very nice tool but i can't find how i enter command in program.

1)Where i must put command -o to not ask me "press enter to exit"

2) Now i use it with: "PhotoResizeK200H" because i use it to upload images in forum with 200KB limit.

But when i try to use it with contex menu,

prompt me in "move to" window option, for each image.

Is there way to prevent this..?

Thank you.

on October 27th 2009

Instead of -o, you can also use O at the end of the filename.

The command line switches can be entered when you are running the tool from a command line, for example by opening cmd.exe

Also, switches can be entered when adding items to context menu.

It is hard to guess why you have problems with the context menu...maybe...did you rename the tool after adding the context menu item? If so, that could be a problem, because the original file does not exist anymore.

on October 27th 2009

Hey! thanks Vlasta !! the O at the end "PhotoResizeK200HO" works perfect..!

Now about the (2)

When i use drag and drop to pogram or shortcut, work perfect.
But when i use the context menu for more pics prompt me in "move to"..

I try to run it with sortcut from directory, and with exe.. it was the same.

"did you rename the tool after adding the context menu item? If so, that could be a problem, because the original file does not exist anymore."

Nope, i try it now with new clear settings and do the same thing..

If i resolve this, they will be perfect..

on October 27th 2009

Something more that helps:

If i press cancel in context menu (total 6 times for 3 images)each time create the corect image.

on October 27th 2009

I have no idea why you see these "move to" boxes. The tool does not definitely show them. It must be a Windows thing. If you know, how the context menu in registry works, you could try to figure that out. It might have something to do with other installed application associated with .jpg files.

on October 27th 2009

You thing if i set for output folder, that works..?

And, is this possible..?

on October 27th 2009

Yes, it is possible to set a custom output folder with the command line switches. There are some examples on the main page.

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