error occured while processing... - RealWorld forums

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error occured while processing...

on November 11th 2009


I have some pictures jpg created by Adobe Photoshop CS4 Macintosh ICCProfile="Coated FOGRA27 (ISO 12647-2:2004)"

When I use Photoresize, I get error

Could you please help me?

on November 11th 2009

CMYK pictures are not supported and that is probably the case. Basically, if you use Photoshop to modify pictures, you should probably do the resizing there as well.

on November 11th 2009

sorry for misunderstanding, I receive these pictures from typographer (owner of Photoshop) and I need to reduce

If PictureResize doesn't support this format, I will ask him to save using " save for web" command

on November 11th 2009

Yes, that should solve it.

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