How on earth do you deselect the magic wand and all the cropping tools? I can't get the image back to normal after I've got rid of what I want. It just stays grey waiting for me to select more of the image to delete. And if I click different actions like the brush tool or whatever, the image still stays with a grey shadow over it and it's irritating. How can I deselect it?!
And how can I rotate a text box?
Aside from that I'd like to say that this software is awesome and very helpful for making my Media coursework so thankyou very much for the programme ^_^
Canceling selection can be done for example by pressing ESC.
Text cannot be rotated directly, but if you place it on its own layer, you can then apply transformation to that layer.
Well that sounds ridiculously simple! Thankyou!
I had this problem to but that solved it thanks! (b^_^)b