Changing "canvas size", or Letterboxing - RealWorld forums

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Changing "canvas size", or Letterboxing

on January 5th 2010

I have about 1100 thumbnail type images that are all 160px wide but of varying heights. I need to make all of them exactly 160w x 110h, retaining the aspect ratio of the original. Essentially what I need to do is make the "canvas" 160x110, and fit the original in that canvas.

The function I'm imagining is as such: If the original is taller than 110p, it shortens the image to 110h, preserving the aspect ratio, and padded both sides with white bars to fill out the blank width. If the original was shorter than 110h, white bars were put above and below the original to fill in that extra height, like letterboxing.

We accomplished this with a script to very good effect, except the shrunken images were of poor, grainy GIF-like quality compared to those I batch with Picture Resizer (which always look great).

Is there a way I can get this same effect with PhotoResize? Or perhaps someone knows of another script that uses PhotoResize's reduction algorithms?


on January 6th 2010

You know what, I actually figured out a process to batch them in Photoshop. Although if anyone does still have any ideas on doing it in photoresize, all the better. Thanks!

on January 6th 2010

PhotoResize400.exe does not support canvas extensions right now.

on June 4th 2011

I would like to see this functionality also. It would appear it works with "-WxHxC - extend canvas + resize to WxH pixels." But I cannot get it to do it, it just squishes the image.

on June 4th 2011

Yes, use -WxHxC, but be sure to replace C with an actual color code.

on June 4th 2011

Here is my actual command:

PhotoResize.exe -1500x1000xFF0000 -r -m -o -q90

on June 7th 2011

Sorry, my bad, it's working now. I was using an old version!

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