How change DPI and keep original size? - RealWorld forums

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How change DPI and keep original size?

Change to 72DPI a JPG 440x266 150DPI
on January 31st 2010

I'm trying to change a JPG image from 150 to 72DPI but maintaining the original size of 440x266 pixels.

If I use PhotoResizeD72.exe the new image size is 192x127 pixels. I already tried to use without luck:
- PhotoResize400D72.exe
- PhotoResizeD72W400.exe
- PhotoResizeG400x266D72.exe
- PhotoResizeD72G400x266.exe

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

on January 31st 2010

put T at the end fo the filename and do not combine the resizing modes: PhotoResizeD72T.exe

on January 31st 2010

Hi again,

I already try with PhotoResizeD72T.exe, preserves the size but also the original resolution of 150dpi. Seems like its considering only the first parameter.

Any other suggestion? Could be a bug in the program?

Pd. I already tried with PhotoResizeTD72.exe also, reduce the DPI's but also the size.

on January 31st 2010

I tried it and it worked fine. Just use exactly what I have written before and do not experiment.

It may not work if the .jpg file is missing the standard header.

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