Moving the Arrow - RealWorld forums

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Moving the Arrow

on February 8th 2010

While trying to make a cursor from an image how do I move the arrow?
When I add it from the program it sits right on top of the picture and I need it to be on the upper left of it.
Thanks in advance for the help.

on February 8th 2010

Look for the "Hot spot" tool in the toolbar, select it and click a pixel that should be the clicking point.

Or drag the image in the test window.

on February 10th 2010

I tried to do what you said but it won't let me click outside the picture.
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

on February 10th 2010

Yes, the hot spot may only be inside the picture.

on February 11th 2010

So how can I put the little arrow on the upper left hand side outside the picture like other cursors have?

on February 11th 2010

You would probably need to have the picture smaller than the canvas and move it (for example with the Transformation tool) to the lover right corner and then draw and arrow in emptied the upper left corner.

on February 11th 2010

Thank you for your replies.
I figured out how to add the arrow by putting it in the image and saving it as a png file before I actually bring it into the program.
My problem now is the picture is so small I can't even see the face.
How can I make this cursor much bigger?

on February 11th 2010

While the editor allows you to create larger cursors, Windows will shrink them back to 32x32 pixels before displaying them. The only way is to workaround the Windows limitation by relying on tools like CursorFX.

on February 12th 2010

So what you are saying is I have to install a whole different program?

on February 12th 2010

RW Cursor Editor is for creating cursors.

Windows cannot display large cursors on its own (that makes sense, because cursor is primarily for pointing). If you need to use large cursors, then you need to replace part of Windows that is responsible for displaying the cursor. And CursorFX can do that.

on February 13th 2010

It's starting to get too confusing and complicated for me.
This was only for fun and I wanted to surprise a few of my friends by making them cursors.
Guess I will just have to forget it.
Thanks again for taking the time to answer all my questions.

                    Much Appreciated!
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