I've always wondered in what directory the standard "link select" cursor was in Windows XP. It's NOT in "C:\Windows\Cursors", I've checked and double-checked. Even running a search for ".cur", I've returned only those cursors in that directory and no link select.
For clarification, I mean the STANDARD little hand icon when you're hovering over a link. If I know where it is, then I can re-do the link select for my Turquoise set of cursors.
The standard link and other basic cursors are not there. Instead, they are built into one of the system .dll files.
...so how can I extract it?
You'll have to use another editor. Since embedded cursors are rare (and .ani cannot be embedded in .exe or .dll), there is no extraction function in RW Cursor Editor. Try AniFX, the feature list seems to include it.
If you want i could provide you with the standard cursors. Just PM me with the request.
Perhaps you could use one of these instead.
maybe try sib cursor editor or art cursors
I've also been searching high and low for the standard "link select" cursor. I'm wanting to use it to assign to buttons on a VBA userform, and it's a bit picky about the files you choose. I've tried lots of the cursors on http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-library?search=hand, but it won't accept any of them. And I'm developing this at work, so I cannot download and install a cursor editor...
@ sixλxis, do you still have the standard cursors and would you be happy to send them to me?
There is an online tool, where you can draw a simple cursor. Also, the portable version of RW cursor editor needs just unzipping and works on W2k and newer.
If you are having problems with the cursors, pick the non-animated ones (.cur) or try converting them to lower color depth in the editor. I have no other ideas why VBA would not accept them.
The closest set i have is this: Google Chromium
@ Vlasta: Absolutely spot on. Well done. VBA only supports 24-bit icons and cursors and every version of the standard "link select" cursor I'd found were something else (32-bit presumably).
I'd actually tried the online editor and created a carbon copy, but this also saves them by default as something other than 24-bit. However, I hadn't realised there was a portable version of the RW cursor editor. I was able to load up the version I'd created in the online creator and adjust the colour depth. This has done the trick and now VBA accepts my cursor. Fantastic.
@ sixλxis: I'm all sorted now, but thanks for the reply anyway.
Yes, all the tools default to 32-bit color depth (it has been around since Windows 2000 for cursors). I should probably adjust the online editor to only produce 32-bit cursors if there are semitransparent pixels in the image, but I am not sure it is worth the effort...
Im also trying to find the default cursors too. I started looking in the registry and i found a folder called Cursors. I opened it and it said Windows Default. But the values of the cursors like the arrow, were blank. I looked in the plus and looked at schemes. All of the cursor sets were their. I looked at the value of Windows Default, and the value was the location, so the ocation was ,,,,,,,,,,,,. Im confused. And what Dll has the cursors in it? Should i search *.dll? Because i can extract the cursors with one of my programs.
Great news! I Found out where the default cursors are located!!!!!
The cursors are in a dll file called user32.dll
If you are having trouble extracting it, use Resource Hacker or something. I opened it with resource hacker and i went to the cursors folder and found it!
Hope this helped.
"STANDARD little hand icon when you're hovering over a link" is in C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll . you can get it with Recource Hacker.
I have published windows xp cursors from user32.dll with resource hacker now and can download here:
Original Classic Win2000/XP Cursors: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/classic-1
MEGA PACK animated cursors: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1djL3rh0E6__B95LPkv5gJ8AEp5QpyyQD/view?usp=sharing
Unfortunately, I can't just open the extracted cursors with RW cursor Editor. I have to use AniFX and guess what? The opened files only have the 48x48 sizes available. The problem with copying and pasting from AniFX to RW cursor Editor is that it turns all transparent pixels opaque. I even had difficulty figuring out how to get the location and person select cursors from the original dll.