Hey guys, I can't quite figure out how to upload a cursor. Sometimes it says it uploaded it, but I can never find it in the library. Other times it says something was invalid.
Any and all help would be appreciated.
In the program there is an orange button called "Add to online library". just hit that and you'll figure the rest out.
To ensure the cursors get here, you must have an internet connection.
Errors may occur.
There are also some filters. For example too many people opened the sample RWxxx.cur files and uploaded them. And so names like RWArrow.cur are not disabled.
How do you change a cursor set you've uploaded? There's a MODIFY option, but I can't figure out how to reupload cursors without making a whole new set.
When an updated cursor is uploaded and you click on Modify, you can remove the old cursor from the set and add the new one. The removed cursor will go to the junkyard and will be deleted by admins later.
Thanks a million. Got it working. Two more upload questions, since you were kind enough to respond so promptly:
1. What's the deal with the junkyard? Is it garbage or can you really upload to it directly? And how do admins know what to erase? I sure would like to erase some of mine I accidentally got in there--I guess when modifying as you describe.
2. How do you remove cursors from your "cursor set" pool when you don't want to load them in a set. I have some I removed from sets when I modified that I don't seem to have a delete option for.
Thanks again for your response!
Never mind, I figured out how to delete! In profiles, the last bulleted option at the top "Delete icons and cursors not included in any set." Doh. = )
It is a new feature. It has been there for the last few days.
When I try to delete my unwanted cursors not in any set, nothing happens. It says "deleting" but they stick around like leeches. What am I doing wrong?
Try logging out and in again. If that does not help, let me know in this topic.
I still can't erase. It says "deleting" but then nothing.
I have the same problem. Also, i'm not sure if the "Junkyard" was the best thing to call it.
This problem has officially been fixed so you may delete the stuff you no longer want anymore.