I dont have the adjust button - RealWorld forums

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I dont have the adjust button

on April 23rd 2010

I just downloaded the real world paint and I was watching the tutorial videos and he is doing things with the adjust button and I don't have an adjust button he has 11 buttons I have 10

on April 23rd 2010

what tutorial in specific? wherein the program is this button located? (file, edit, view, etc...?)

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on April 24th 2010

It was by Vlasta and the video was Selections and image masks. He changes the color of his fish by going to adjust and then colorize, I don't have adjust or colorize. I have noticed that on other videos that he has posted he doesn’t have that button either but on that one he does. I have several questions about this program, but I won't bore you with more except is it possible to make the backdrop of something you create invisible kind of like the RealWorld Paint logo on your desktop. I was wandering if I could make the backdrop of text or even pictures invisible and then put them anywhere I want to and it blend. Thank you,

on April 24th 2010

Not all applications and versions have the buttons in the same place. In case of latest Paint.COM, it is in Effects->More effects...->Colorize.

on April 24th 2010

Found it thank you

on September 17th 2010

Perhaps buttons ought to be located in similar places?

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