I know I'm probably just being dumb (or blind) but how do you crop to selection? I've seen help files which refer to a crop button, but I can't find it!
Any help?
Specialized crop is in RW Photos. Other than that yuou can right-click on a selection and crop from context menu.
I'm using RW Paint, and there is no such context menu when I right click a selection. I have:
Swap colors
Window Painting ->
Show final image
Mouse gestures
Nothing else.
I don't understand how there is no CROP in Paint.
I just want to ALT-PrintScreen --> Image from clipboard --> crop --> save.
Not that demanding is it?
In Paint, there is no SPECIALIZED Crop with features like perspective removal or aspect ratio lock that photographers may need.
There is the basic simple crop. ALT-PrintScreen --> Image from clipboard --> Transformation tool --> select rectangle --> right-click in the editor and there it is in context menu.
Eventually, you may use the other selection tool if you want irregular region selection/cropping, but switch to Transformation to have Crop in context menu.
That applies to the latest (~ 1 year old) version.
Would be nicer if there was a Crop menu item in a more convenient place, but hey, what do I know...
Maybe you could add the specialized crop tool to paint in its 2011 release?
OK - so maybe I'm being dense but where or what is "Transformation Tool"?
Surely a simple crop icon would be simpler - this must be just about the most common thing people want to do. The program looks great but I'm going to have to look for something else if simple things like crop are too difficult
The wiki page now has a picture of the transformation tool.
Hmm as a matter of fact i should make sure all the pages have a picture of their specific tool.
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.