How do I upload my pictures? - RealWorld forums

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How do I upload my pictures?

on July 2nd 2010

I like using this software to make banners, posters, and the such, but I have difficulty uploading it to flick or photobucket since it's not a jpg, gif, or any other acceptable one. I noticed that when you save your documents it allows you to change the rli to a jpg, but it still won't upload. Help?

on July 2nd 2010

The Save as... is the right way. When saving, make sure to pick .jpg (or .png if you have transparent image) under the file name (the Files of type box). The actual file format is controlled by a box below that, but it is changed automatically.

Then there is the matter of file extension. It should be also changed automatically, but only if you have not already changed.

If you have .jpg in Files of type and the file name, does not have .jpg extension, rename it.

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