In the previous version I was very pleased with the sliders by which you could adjust many values like e.g. the x-, y- and z-axis of an object or the rotation. It gave the user the possiblity to continuously change the values such as rotating an object or increasing or decreasing its sizes by seeing on-the-fly how it looks like.
Now in the new version I can't find these sliders. Now I need to know exactly which values to enter, but I can't just slide the object in the right position.
Is there any substitution? If not, I would desperately hope that these sliders find their way back into the software as they made steering the object location and configuration much much easier than by just entering numbers in the fields.
So, can anybody help me?
Thanks and best regards,
They are not there by deault anymore. I'll let you know how to get them back, in a few days (I am on a vacation with terrible internet connection). I'll update this topic then.
I am back and here is a guide on how to get the sliders back.
An alternative to the sliders would be using arrow keys and PageUp, PageDown keys to move selected points in 3D view. By default, they move the points by the selected grid step. With SHIFT key down, the step is divided by 5 and with CTRL down, the step is multiplied by 5.
Thank you Vlasta,
The procedure is quite complicated, but the software is also very powerful if it allows for managing your own panels.
Anyway, I managed to bring the sliders back and I am very happy again .
Thanks again and best regards,
I am glad you were able to make it.
It is indeed very complicated - menus, toolbars, splitters, tabs, panels, synchronization of selection, etc. It is all there and it is a big mess .