how about photorotate[c][c].exe? - RealWorld forums

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how about photorotate[c][c].exe?

on August 30th 2010

first off, this program is still the best picture resizer I have ever used. Hands down. A few years ago you also released the Centerimages.exe
for me and that too I still use all the time. You have made a lot of folks very happy with that one, as it allows me to release my images of my cutout templates of models in a constant size.

Anyway, the big issue I have now with photos is that my wife is constantly taking pictures in portrait mode rather than landscape. I get her to at least always keep the camera situated the same way so at least all the pictures are a clockwise rotation to fix, but alas manually rotating 100+ pictures is still really time consuming. I'd love to be able to move all of the portrait pictures to a sub directory and then drop the subdirectory onto a photorotatec.exe or photorotatecc.exe (clockwise/counter-clockwise respectively) and have all the pictures rotated with one command (and following the wonderful naming convention of filename.jpg --> filename_c.jpg or filename_cc.jpg)

Anyway thanks again for this program its still the best one out there.

- Jon

on August 31st 2010

I am unsure if I ever decide to do a tool like this. I feel this topic is covered by existing tools and there is not much room for improvement. There are two advanced functions: lossless jpg rotation and automatic rotation by EXIF tag (if you happen to have a camera with orientation sensor). Both of them are available in the current tools.

You can try for example Mike Lee's set of tools:

RealWorld Photos has an automatic (by EXIF tag) rotation batch operation and droplets can be created for drag and drop style of of processing, but that is not a free app.

on September 7th 2010

Another great feature would be to trim the white around images

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