Monster Hunter cursors - RealWorld forums

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Monster Hunter cursors

monster hunter is so cool
on March 30th 2011

Monster Hunter is are really sweet game for PSP with lots of weapons.
These weapons are swords, sheilds, lances, bow and arrows, and bowguns. I really want these cursors.

on March 30th 2011

Monster Hunter is so cool!

on May 16th 2011

i like the idea, but i'm new and i don't have many experience

on October 13th 2011

hey not just the weapons make the monster icons from MH3 aswell i really want them as cursors but i have no idea on how to make them........ i guess weapons would be cool but come on...

on October 17th 2011

if u want to make ur own cursors --- :-)

on May 7th 2012

totally monster hunter is the best especially monster hunter tri

on February 18th 2016

Make monster hunter cursors really soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

on March 19th 2019

I have search narjalara cursor to get one
(bit rubbish- my first cursor

on March 19th 2019

Also, monster hunter 3 ultimate is epic

on March 19th 2019

Kiezertwisk- keep going. Youll get there eventually

Da Monster Hunter King
on March 19th 2019

by the way- the last three comments are me not logged in

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