May 2011 - month of Artists - RealWorld forums

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May 2011 - month of Artists

the wish-granting month
on May 1st 2011

The icon and cursor gallery is the largest portion of this web site. Over the years, lots of professional and amateur artists have contributed over 1000 cursor sets and over 250 icon sets. A big thank you goes to everyone, who contributed original art.

This month, I would like to make the site better for icon and cursor authors. Please suggest features to add to the web.

The best suggestions should be very useful to the artist and very easy to implement for me. Maybe we will find some of those.

<< April 2011 - month of KaleidoscopeJune 2011 - month of Colors >>
on May 3rd 2011

Suggestion No. 1:
A black preview screen for every cursor or icon, added to the previews on this site and maybe to the downloadable software
Suggestion No. 2:
Search filters for the library, for example average rating, download count or puplished at
Suggestion No. 3:
Add a 3d tool to the cursor creator (I'm still allowed to dream, am I not?)
Suggestion No. 4:
A symbol bar for usuable bbcs or htmls, added to the smilies
Thats it. Oh and thank YOU for this site and for this software :-)

on May 3rd 2011

1. button to subscribe to a blog

2. mini application for transformtion of ani to gif

3. Different pictures for Rating (pig, penguin, heart, ...)

4. Sorting art by type of art (extra cursor set and icon set), download count.. etc.

5. Archive of personal messages

Thanks :]

on May 7th 2011

1. a preview for all cursors on multiple colors

thats all i can think of right now!


on May 10th 2011

Here is the first bit. The individual cursor pages were modified and if you put the mouse cursor over the preview image, its background changes to black.

There are also other small changes. The most important one is that the hot spot cross-hair is not part of the preview image anymore and it is part of the background instead. You may need to refresh the pictures if they look wrong. The animated gifs are now using transparency, but there will be artifacts on the black background in IE and Chrome.

on May 11th 2011

Thanks that's great!

on May 11th 2011

The next addition is the ability to subscribe to users' blogs. There is a Subscribe button on the main page of each blog and another one under the individual entries. There are also new links to RSS feeds and buttons to share blog entries on Digg, StumbleUpon and Facebook.

on May 12th 2011

Nicee :-)

on May 16th 2011

Profile Pictures woud be incredibly awesome.

And...I'll do some dreaming as well.

I'd like to be able to use my emoticons with simpler tags. Perhaps a spot where I can edit what tags effect which emoticons.
In other words, I'd like to have an editor in which I can say that [em:smile] = icon-image/5300-16x16x32.png image

In the editor, I would perhaps have entries such as:

[em:<insert-emoticon-name-here>] = [[image:icon-image/5300-16x16x32.png]]

(Or whatever emoticon I am using.)

And an online/application .gif/.png animator perhaps. Those web graphics do not get much attention here with the current tools. It would be something in addition to the icons and cursors.

I am thinking outside the box here, lol.

on May 16th 2011

Profile pics would be great
And jd that might cause even more spam than we have now, rights like these should just be given to trusted members of this site

on May 20th 2011

Two improvements are finished:

  • Search results ordering was added to the search result pages in the gallery.
  • Photographs can be uploaded on the profile pages. Please use real photos or illustrations if possible. Max. size is 192x256 - photos will be resized if they are bigger. Transparent .pngs may be used.
on May 21st 2011

Awesome, thanks!

on May 31st 2011

The end of the month is here and here goes the final change - a small tweak of the smileys bar. To add an icon to the bar, visit any icon page and click an "Add" button under the icon properties.

You may also need to refresh a page before opening the comment form, because I had to make modifications to a javascript file. Otherwise, the added icons may not be visible.

on June 2nd 2011

Vlasta you are INCREDIBLE! Thank you! The feature that I wanted most! :-) Now I need to create an emoticon set that will show it off well. :-D

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