September 2011 - month of Feedback - RealWorld forums

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September 2011 - month of Feedback

how to write a great review
on September 3rd 2011

Creating a complete cursor set or icon set can take several hours. The results of this hard work are available to everyone for free and just one click away.

Would you like to thank the artists for their effort? Write a review! Find more info in JDDellGuy's blog.

<< July 2011 - month of ScriptingOctober 2011 - month of Animation >>
on September 5th 2011

Some of you (those logged in) may have noticed a new face on the People page, a gnome trader offering various trinkets. He is giving nothing away unless you pay him in buttons...

How can you get some?

By writing reviews of cursor and icon sets in the gallery. If you have written some reviews, but the buttons are not coming, you should re-read the recommendations given by JDDellGuy. All you need to know is there, but let me rephrase some of the points:

  • A review should encourage the author and give them honest feedback. You need to give it some effort - a generic phrase or a smiley will not make you pant ;-).
  • Rating is part of the review - make it count! Giving the same number of stars to each and every set carries no information.
  • There is limited number of buttons on your shirt - if all fall off, you need to get another shirt.
  • The first button falls off quite often, the second not so much, the third tends to stay in place. How many times did you lose all buttons on your shirt?
on September 5th 2011

Does the "shirt" represent a single cursor or icon set?

Meaning, if you review a set, it's not too hard to get a button. If you review the same set again, you may get a second button, maybe not. And the third time you review it, the chances of getting a button off that set is pretty low. "Getting another shirt" means reviewing a different set.

Or does it mean something else?

on September 5th 2011

Not exactly, you get a new shirt the next day you wake up and get dressed ;-).

on September 5th 2011

How many buttons are on each shirt? More than three?

on September 5th 2011

Nevermind, I already have four from one shirt.

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