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Kaio Amaral
on September 12th 2011

I wonder how the logic of the scripts of tge Real World Icon Editor, I'm having trouble understanding the logic of processes, especially the * command and .m-.

Please, help-me

Kaio Amaral
on September 12th 2011


on September 12th 2011

I assume you are talking about the expressions in the 3D editor.

If you add an "iterator" to the list of variables in a 3D model, everything below in the hierarchy will be drawn multiple times (as many times as is the current value of the iterator). But you will not be able to see it unless you somehow use the iterator in the 3D model. If you do not use it, all the 3D stuff will just be placed multiple times on the same spot.

So, you need to parametrize something and use the iterator in the expression. For example, you may parametrize the X coordinate of a translation to draw multiple copies of your 3D object placed along the X axis.

If your iterator is named xxxx, then xxxx.m can be used in the expressions as well. While the value of xxxx will be different in each iteration, xxxx.m will always have the same value (the total number of iterations). This can be handy if you for example want to place N copies into a predefined space to compute the difference of positions (for higher N, the difference is lower).

I am not sure what you mean by the * command.

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