After a more than 2 years, there is new version of RealWorld Paint. There are many new functions and a new name. RealWorld Paint.COM was shortened to just RealWorld Paint.
In the new version, you can:
Download RealWorld Paint from its home page.
This... makes me moist... lol.
I can see hundreds of downloads specifically for the animation and photoshop compatibility parts of the program.
Great! I did used to wonder about the ".com" part of the name. I'm glad it's gone now. What was the reason for that name?
Well, I thought it was funny. It was a parody of
+ RW Paint was built using the COM (Component Object Model) technology.
+ they are both TLDs.
Apparently, many people did not like it...
Next time you compile RealWorld Paint you might want to change the file version along with the product version...the product version is 2011.1, but the file version is still - I believe it should be
Anyway, it confuses version checker software like Sumo which constantly thinks it needs updated.