-z parameter not working in Batch mode - RealWorld forums

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-z parameter not working in Batch mode

on October 18th 2011

I try to resize pictures with the following attributes:
- size = 400
- overwrite existing files
- recursive from startfolder
- without prompting
- files matching a special wildcard filter

I use: PhotoResize400RIO.exe "-zfolder.jpg" <startfolder>

The -z option doesn't work - no files are processed but i have several files called folder.jpg in the folderstructure under <startfolder>.
(If I use -z*.* all files are processed - but this is to much)

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks a lot

on October 18th 2011

That may be a bug, please try it with the not yet officially released 5.1 version from http://www.rw-designer.com/NT/5.1/PhotoResize400.exe

on October 28th 2011

Hello Vlasta,

great - with the new version it works as a charme!

Thank you very much!

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