Within RW Icon Editor - how to slide one layer image relative to - RealWorld forums

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Within RW Icon Editor - how to slide one layer image relative to

Is there no move tool?!
on November 12th 2011

Hi, I'm evaluating your RealWorld Icon Editor (RWIE), and am trying to learn to do a few basic functions and immediately ran into an obstacle.

I want to combine two icon files, into one. I dragged one onto the Window, then imported the other as a layer and now I see two layers in RWIE. Good thus far.

The images are overtop of one another. I simply want to drag one layer upward. It has empty space appearing above it's image-content anyway. Within Photoshop of course, you can slide layers around relative to one another, and the part that slides off the canvas simply gets clipped.

But how do you do this within RWIE ? I hovered over each icon on the toolbar, and checked the menu-bar -- I don't see any move or hand tool (I guess I'm looking for something similar to what Photoshop does). How can you move images?

Thank you for your help, and kudos on a very nice graphic design on your website and the program GUI.

James Hurst

on November 12th 2011

Hi James,

I hope I understand you correctly. If you want to move the content of a layer, click the dropdown button of the first tool in the toolbar above the canvas. There should be a move tool on the second position of the dropdown menu. You can use it to drag content of the active layer and it can be either clipped or wrapped. But, unlike Photoshop, if something is clipped and you apply the operation, it cannot be dragged back in.

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