Screen refresh on Win 7 x64? - RealWorld forums

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Screen refresh on Win 7 x64?

on January 18th 2012


I've just downloaded the cursor editor, but it does not run properly on my machine.

The area where the cursor should appear does not refresh (it keeps a copy of whatever was drawn on the screen at the time the window is activated).

Is that making sense? Is there a solution?

Thanks in advance,


on January 18th 2012

There are some problems on 64-bit Windows with refreshing, but it should not be so extreme. It will be fixed in the next version. For now, it usually helps to resize the subwindows = dragging a splitter.

on January 18th 2012

It's unusable for me at the moment. I can draw a line, but nothing refreshes until I drag a splitter as you say. I can then try and drag one of the points on the line, but nothing updates.

Any idea when the next version might be ready? I'm happy to act as a beta tester.

on January 18th 2012

The new version should be available in a few weeks. Will send you an email with a link to a pre-release version when it is ready.

on January 18th 2012

Don't know if this helps. But if I run it in XP compatibility mode, and move the left window (the one with the preview in it), the application seems to work.

on January 18th 2012

The core of the problem is in the number of nested windows (splitters inside splitters etc.) there is. If there are more, some communication between the windows is lost. On 64-bit Windows, the effective maximum is halved. When a splitter is moved, only the windows inside the splitter are counted when determining the maximum, so moving the splitter can kick things back to where they should be for a while.

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