Help! How do I save the same cursor as animated and layered curs - RealWorld forums

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Help! How do I save the same cursor as animated and layered curs

on January 29th 2012


I created a really nice cursor that i´d like to use and i made the mistake to save it as a layered cursor and now i can´t open it. it was the first time that i saved a cursor as layered. As my computer can open animated cursor files i want to save it as animatednow , but nothing happens when i click on the save button!!! Could someone help me,i´m so desperate :-(((

on January 29th 2012

Open it in the editor and then click on "Save as..." in the "File" menu and then in the "Files of type", choose "Animated cursor". Be aware that any layers in the file will be merged - if you want to use the layers later, I would recommend you to not delete that .rcu file.

on January 29th 2012

Oh, how silly of me...Thank you very much for the fast reply! I´m so happy that I can use it now and don´t have to create another. Thank you!

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