i5 vs i7 processors - RealWorld forums

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i5 vs i7 processors

on February 3rd 2012


with i5 having 4 cores and i7 having 4 cores plus 4 more hyper threads, would I see twice the performace with an i7 processor? I am lookng into purchase a new desktop and am trying to determine best specs for your software



on February 3rd 2012

No, you definitely will not see 2x performance jump due to hyper-threading in any software. More like 10% because the 2 threads shares the resources of 1 core.

RW editors can use up to 4 threads when drawing on the canvas and unlimited number of threads when rendering a 3d object (in the icon editor). Picture Resizer can use any number of threads when resizing photos as well.

Future versions may be able to use more threads though, but i5 processor is perfectly fine. i7 also has few other advantages, but I do not think it is worth the extra money right now.

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