Custom icon size/shape - RealWorld forums

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Custom icon size/shape

on February 25th 2012

Hi, I just downloaded the program today. It's pretty useful.

I'm having troubles though resizing the size of an icon. When I go to create a new icon, I'd like to be able to adjust the dimensions of the icon space to something other than the standard square.

Is there any way to do this in the editor?

on February 25th 2012

Yes, you can do that.

If you just want to add a new empty image (or copy one of the exiting ones) into an existing .ico file, click on Insert image... in the Icon menu and choose Custom format. There you can specify custom dimensions for you new image.

If you want to create icon from image (or 3D), you can add new formats to generate during in the conversion window. When you see the list of formats with previews, click on Add image and then double-click the image to display its properties and change them.

on February 25th 2012

Great, thank you. It's a step in the right direction. Here's my problem, though. I'm using windows vista. When you hover the mouse over a desktop icon, a blue highlight appears that seems to be related to the size/shape of the icon. (seen here)

i believe i adjusted the size of my icon correctly, but i still get an oversized box. (seen here)

Do you know anything about changing this? maybe it's just one of vistas quirks..


on February 25th 2012

I do not think, the size of the blue box is related to the icon size if the screenshot shows Windows Explorer. Explorer has uses various sizes for icons and you can set them from the View menu. Different folders by default have different sizes (if Vista thinks it is a folder with images, it uses larger previews).

on February 26th 2012

Explorer is a web browser..i don't think it really has much to do with the desktop appearance. it does this thing with all of the icons at the same size :p

on February 26th 2012

Internet Explorer is the web browser. Windows Explorer is the file manager (that also takes care of Desktop). Thank Microsoft for this confusion.

on February 26th 2012

oh geez, you're right. my bad. I get the feeling this isn't something easily fixed..

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