Portable versions? - RealWorld forums

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Portable versions?

on March 5th 2012


I tried to download the software and had problems. This has been an on going problem with my computer and I can not locate why this continues to happen.

I am going to use someone elses computer and download the portable versions for now.

Do the portable versions have all the same tools and functions as the full verstions?

I noticed when I did try to download and had the problems the software downloads to the C drive.

Since I will try to use someone elses computer to download can I change to the drive for the download?

Thank you

on March 5th 2012

Do you have problems with downloading software from this web only or are there problems when downloading from other web sites? Is something blocking the downloads? Do you have free space on your computer?

Yes, the portable versions have the same functionality. The difference is that they do not need installing, just unzipping and can be easily run from an USB stick on any Windows computer.

Yes, you can download the applications to any drive.

on March 5th 2012

Thank you Vlasta for your reply. It is a great help.

The downloading problem I have been experiencing happens intermittenly. It does not happen with all websites. There is more then enough free space on my computer. I have had my IT tech check into the problem and he could not locate any issues that would be blocking or causing the situtaion.

I am planning to replace the computer in the near future and did not want to spend any more money or time on it.

I did want to use the Real World Photo Editor though.

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