I have just started using RealWorld Icon Editor 2010.1 (trial version). I downloaded the 64-bit version because I am running Windows Pro 64-Bit. I have created a new .ico from a .png file and put the new .ico file on the desktop. This icon appears fine. But when I select this .ico as the new icon for any other shortcut or folder on my desktop, it does not look the same as the .ico. It looks like a low quality version. I re-edited the new ico, and removed all 'Images' except for 256x256 pixels, smooth edges. But this has not helped.
I have noticed that the way the .ico looks on my desktop is identical to the preview in the Images pane, but when I apply this ico to another folder, it appears like the 'Layers' image in RW Icon Editor.
I am having the same problem with other .ico files that I have just made.
Thanks for any help.
When apply a custom icon to a folder or a shortcut it should look exactly as the icon. Except the shortcut should also have a small arrow in the corner.
Just to make sure, when customizing a folder you go to its properties window, then click on 'Customize' tab and then on 'Change Icon' button and pick the .ico file?
Yes, that's exactly how I do it.
I have uploaded some images to PhotoBucket.
The first one shows exactly how the original .ico appears on my desktop, next to a folder that I have applied the icon to. The second picture shows how it looks in RW Icon Editor. You can see that the original .ico looks like the top left 'Image'. But then if I use the .ico for a folder, then it looks like the 'Layer' image.
Here is another example:
Thanks for the help.
OK, I see. Windows uses one method when it generates preview of .ico files and another method when it displays customized folders and shortcuts.
I think, you'll get best results when you add multiple sizes into your .ico file. Try adding all the standard Windows Vista formats (16, 24, 32, 48, 256) when creating the .ico file and the edges should look better.
Also, try customizing a new folder when testing the new .ico file as Windows sometimes caches the custom icons and only re-generates the thumbnails after some time.
Actually this was originally an .ico that had all the sizes included. But I took them away because I thought Windows was using a different format to display the icon, rather than the 256 smooth edges.
Well, it is different for the .ico file and for folders or shortcuts. For folders and shortcuts, .ico file with multiple sizes should work better.