Drag and Drop resize asked picture and prévious ones - RealWorld forums

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Drag and Drop resize asked picture and prévious ones

on November 2nd 2012

Hi, I'm starting using picture resize and I have a problem:

My configuration:

A shortcut :
Target : C:\PhotoResize1500G.exe -o -c "c:\toto"
Start in: C:\toto

When I drag and drop a picture like : test.jpg
It convert to c:\toto\test-1500.jpg

At this time all is OK

Then if I convert another file : toto.jpg
It convert to: toto-1500.jpg
and it also creat à file named test-1500-1500.jpg (another convertion of the previous image converted.

And If I convert another file like : titi.jpg

I have now all this files in c:\toto:


So 6 files for only 3 drag and drop !

Any idea ?

on November 2nd 2012

When using the shortcut like this, the target should be just: C:\PhotoResize1500G.exe -o -c

When you also have "c:\toto" in the target field, it resizes everything in that folder.

on November 2nd 2012

Thank's a lot ! I't working very well !

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