Spinner speed won't change. - RealWorld forums

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Spinner speed won't change.

on December 17th 2012

I posted a new set of cursors (Golden Arrow) yesterday, and the first comment was spot-on: the spinners seem a little slow.

I've tried selecting all frames and typing a new number (they were set to 2 originally) in the Frame Properties panel, and I've tried the slider window, and the speed changes noticeably in the two left hand panels (Preview and Test Area), but when I save or save as, and check the (Properties of) the cursor files in Windows Explorer, the cursors run at the old speed still. When I re-open the program and re-open the cursor I tried to speed up, the left panels show a faster spin, but the times under the frames are just exactly what they were originally (2).

What am I missing here?

on December 17th 2012

Ignore what you see in the Properties panel in Windows - it disregards the actual timing. If you see the cursor running at the right speed in the Test area, it will work correctly.

on December 17th 2012

Thanks again, Vlasta. Funny that they look so slow in the Explorer Properties window and in the Control Panel>Mouse, when I select the right cursors, but they are both (the ani. cursors) indeed working now.

Now I guess I just have to replace the slow ones with the fast ones in the Gallery. I'll have to find out how to do that.

on December 17th 2012

upload the new versions, then edit the set...

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