Request for Icons, Cursors or Pictures - RealWorld forums

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Request for Icons, Cursors or Pictures

Request things here and I will be sure to make them!
on February 28th 2013

==Request for Icons, Cursors or Pictures==

Post here if you want something. I might, not will, make it. I will reply to your posts and tell you what I think.

on March 5th 2013

Tweety cursors or icons. I prefer cursors. It's really difficult to find Tweety's cursors with good quality.

on March 8th 2013

Read the forum "the start of something new" that should give you an idea, and it comes with an award! :-)

on March 10th 2013

icon-image/7488-48x48x32.png image

You seem to have no sets LoganDark by which we might judge whether or not we would like to request you to create for us.

There is nothing in your user junk that stands out as terribly different or original.

Perhaps if you display some talent others may post requests..

Here is the link to the forum post SYNTHCRO refers to above..

The Start of Something New

Also, if you want to say that you 'might' make the requested items you may not want to indicate in your forum post byline that you 'will be sure to make them'...

icon-image/8353-32x32x32.png image

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